Hello, my name is Trudy! My biggest enjoyment every day is providing educational travel opportunities for cheer, dance, and music students. I like to think of myself as someone who provides positive travel experiences and events for students, directors and families. As the Director of Dance Programs for Performing Arts Consultants, I am in a unique position to share my passion with others, obtain knowledge from other professionals, and experience entertainment opportunities that could enrich the lives of all involved.
Working in the student travel industry and traveling and working with students of all ages with many talents has been a huge part of my life. Throughout my childhood, I was fortunate to travel with my family, as a member of a middle and high school music department, and as a college cheerleader. I have realized, as a former event director in cheer and dance programs, my passion starts with relationship building with all those I come in contact with. My goal is to provide well-rounded experiences that inspire students to be the best they can be. My ability to create opportunities and develop the minds of our students makes each day rewarding. My current position allows me to continue working with students and create opportunities for success. Creating an atmosphere where students can learn, experience new destinations, hone their talents, and grow their passion is my true goal.
What is the best piece of advice you’ve ever been given?
Do not use the word “no” or be quick to answer “no” until you have asked all the questions and exhausted all opportunities to make it a “yes.” Another piece of advice I was given and use regularly is… everything can be fixed, as long as you make an effort.
If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be?
To be able to read minds.
What is your favorite musical instrument and why?
I have two: I love the piano and the saxophone. I was lucky to play both with more experience playing the piano. Being able to play an instrument was a great stress reliever, plus I love how they sound.
When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I wanted to be a missing children’s investigator. I was lucky to work with a missing children’s agency when I graduated from college: This job led me to working with young adults adjudicated as adults/felons before their 21st birthdays. And, working for a state agency led me back to my roots, working with dance teams, cheerleaders, and school music departments.
What’s your go-to travel snack?
When I travel, I like to take assorted nuts, popcorn and/or pretzels. They are easy to put into Ziplock baggies, travel well, and are great for a quick boost when I have not had time to grab a meal.
What is one item you always make sure you pack?
A comfortable pair of shoes.
Jeff Mazzarisi
Director of Orlando Programs
jeff@usafest.org | 1-800-872-3378 ext. 216
Bill Stroud
Travel Consultant
bill@usafest.org | 732-475-6200 ext. 202
Lee Lafleur
Festival Director
lee@usafest.org | 1-800-872-3378 ext. 217